Monday, March 14, 2011


Sooo LOOONNNNGGG since I've posted anything! Where to start? Soo, lets see? What's new with me?

 Well, first, I'm going to be able to enter the temple Saturday! Super excited and frign nervous wreck because I know that I am starting to really grow up. I feel like my parents are slowly pushing me outside the door so that I can finally be on my own. I don't mind really because I look at it as a step closer in the right direction.

 Man and it's a hop and a skip to my bros wedding! Super excited for that, not looking forward to the drive, but being able to go in for his sealing will be super cool!

 After the wedding it's only going to be a few short weeks until I'm off to the MTC to serve the people of Peru! I think this is one of the things I am most nervous about. I have been to farewells and homecomings, and I have always knew in the back of my mind that one day it will be me bidding farewell to family and friends, but I really never expected that day to come so soon. For me it feels like around the corner! When I first got my calling in December I thought oh May! I have 5 months to prepare, easy squeezy. Now it's March and I really am shaken! One, I don't know where the time went to and what I have "prepared" for me to go. I know a lot of RMs tell me that you really won't know anything until I experience it myself. I know that's true, but I wish I could sort of foresee if I really am going to be that kind of teacher that can command a room. I have trouble as it is remembering where I put my keys so I have some trouble knowing if I can remember half the scripture masteries that will be required for me to remember...IN SPANISH! As I write this I am comforted with the words of my Sunday school teacher which were something to the effect,
"because we doubt and question ourselves we are subsequently leaving less room for the spirit to dwell within us, and therefore can not feel His promptings."
So because I am reminded of that I'm not going to doubt that I WILL be a good missionary. With much prayer and obedience I will labor in the Lord's vineyard in May and bring the world its truth.

LOL! Kinda corny but who cares... 8P It's my blog and I do what I want! WHateverrr I want! LOL! Happy Monday folks!

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