Friday, December 24, 2010


I wanted to say hello to the blog world out there. There isn't much to say, but happy holidays. I know I don't have many followers or readers, but I'm not really here for that. This blog is somewhere where I can express myself without having to watch what I say or keep in mind who reads this. I love it. Not much of my family or friends blog so I'm happy I have this space. I'll keep this first blog short because I'm still trying to get into the groove of things, but I didn't want to make this blog and leave it empty. So here I am blog world. Happy holidays!
-til next time.


  1. I'm SO EXCITED!!!! YAY for P getting a blog!!! LOL I love it! Okay, I'll stop with all of my exlamation points now...maybe. ;-) I think it's amazing to be able to blog while on your mission. I read the blog of a sister who was out in the phillipines and instead of writing to everyone at home individually (hello stamps! $$$) she would update her blog regularly with how she was doing and then give little shout outs to those who wrote her talking to them specifically. Not only did it save her time (hello can you imagine giving the same update to 7 people who write you???) but it also allowed her to document the things on her mission that she might not remember later on in life. Anyway, I'll stop rambling but congrats on EVERYTHING! The mission call, the blog and just being the most AMAZING person! =) LOVE it P!!!

  2. Thanks Ane! I wouldn't have ever blogged if it weren't for you! Yes, fb is gettting soo crowded, and I'm grateful that there's this space. Nd dude, that's a good idea to blog instead of emails and letters. Crossing my fingers that there's internet connection in Peru..but I'm most def going to look into making a mission blog to make things out there easier for me. Thanks Ane for following me! LOL! See yah on Wed, I think that's the date that Tangi texted?
